Congratulations to Linda and Dave Easton our latest PLA Garden Award winners! PLA’s Patti Adams presented the award to Linda and Dave (and Molly).

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Over the past ten years, the Easton’s yard has gone through several transitions. John Millman of Ocean Beach did the initial design and fencing. Here is a before and after comparisons. The new grass is not “real”, but it’s real good for Molly.


Linda and Dave have lived in the home on Xenophon for eleven years. Two years ago they turned to Rich Mayes of Rich’s Landscape Visions to bring their vision to life. There are lots of fascinating shapes, colors and textures. Some of their favorites are aloe trees – Hercules, Bainesii, and Medusa… spindly trees – Brachychiton Rupestris, also known as Queensland Bottle Tree… and three Grevillea Moonlights.

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We’re not sure which is what, but everything is beautiful and there’s usually something blooming. This is unusual. It’s a succulent garden Rich designed to cover a palm tree stump.

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Complementing all the greenery is another popular color of the month. A tip of Santa’s hat to Dave and Linda Easton for making the season bright!

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If you’d like to nominate someone on the Peninsula for a Point Loma Association Garden Award, please do!