We beautify, inform and advocate to improve our quality of life.
— Point Loma Association, Since 1961

Paige Hazard • Secretary

Paige lived in Ocean Beach for a decade. She and her family moved to the wooded area of the Point in 2010. Now that her son and daughter are more independent, Paige says, “I have time and energy to spare that I wish to use toward making a positive impact in Point Loma.”

Paige plans to work on the Beautification Committee, and our Public Safety Committee will welcome her professional expertise. 

Paige is a Prosecutor with the California Office of the Attorney General, Criminal Division. Previously she had a similar role in the San Diego City Attorney’s office. “As a neighborhood prosecutor, I worked to address chronic nuisance problems including homelessness, graffiti and theft. I worked closely with police officers, community groups and social service organizations.”